Answer to

Hand of the week commencing Sunday 11th May 2008    



North Dealer


 K 8 7




Neither Vulnerable


 7 2






 A Q 9






 A 10 4 3 2










4 3




J 10 9 6 5


 A 10 8 6 5 4


W                          E


  J 3


 7 6 4 3




 J 8 2






 K Q 5










 A Q 2






 K Q 9






 K 10 5






 9 8 7 6












1§*                 * N/S Playing Strong No trump  so open 1§  **  Weak Jump overcall




3NT****         *** DAB  Directional Asking Bid asking for Heart stopper to bid 3NT




                         **** South obliges

















How can South make his contract after a ©6 lead, East following with the Jack  ?


From the cradle players are taught that when the opponents lead their best suit and you only have the Ace,  one controlling card that you should hold up (refuse the trick) and then hope to cut communications between the 2 defenders. Here you do not have the Ace but you have the KQ and another Heart and it is necessary to do the same thing. If you take the first trick then When East gains the lead and plays back a Heart you will be sunk since the defense can take a successful finesse through your remaining K9 holding (since West still has the A10 left).

The bidding  shows that West has 6 Hearts therefore East must have 2. When a Heart is led and East plays  the Jack Hold up this trick. The King Queen holding is equivalent to having the Ace and now you will be able to cut communications between EW. You will be able to win the 2nd or 3rd Heart trick but each time West gets in he will have no Hearts to feed . Now the contract is safe since you will be able to establish the Clubs. You will win 3 Spades, 1Heart, 3 Diamonds and 2 or 3 clubs losing no  more than 2 Hearts and 2 Clubs.  

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