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Updated  3rd November  2024

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Hand of the week

Hand of the week, week commencing, Sunday 15th September 2024

Plan your play in 4 after West cashes 3 hearts followed by Jack

If you would like to play this out click here

Dealer: West Vuln: All

A 9 2
10 6 5
K Q 5
K J 6 2
J 10 9 2
9 5 4 3
W   E
Q 5 3
4 3 2
8 7 6 4 3
10 8
K J 10 8 7 6
9 8 7
A Q 7
Pass 1NT Pass 4

Plan your play in 4 after West cashes 3 hearts followed by Jack

This hand demonstrates the importance of counting points and how it affects your play of the trump suit ,

West INITIALLY PASSED and after 3 tricks has turned up with 10 points so who has the Trump Queen.

If West had the trump queen as well surely he would have been abe to Open 1NT so we now deduce that the Spade Queen is with East

Therefore we are not going to play for the trump suit to be 2:2 . Instead we are going to play a spade to dummy's Ace and then a spade back to the Jack finessing East for the mssing Queen which he has.

We now wrap up the remaining tricks winning 6 Spades, 2 Diamonds and 2 Clubs.

(As I say to my students don' divorce the bidding (or lack of it) from the card play)


  You can also play out the following hand  to see how the hand pans out. (You need bridgvu.exe programme  and it is available free from   http://www.haroldschogger.com/movies.html )                        

alternatively watch the film of the hand being played out by going to www.haroldschogger.com/movies2.htm

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