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Updated  6th October  2024

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Hand of the week

Hand of the week, week commencing, Sunday 8th September 2024

Plan your play after West leads Jack

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Dealer: South Vuln: None

A 8
Q J 4 2
Q 6 5 4
K 9 2
J 6 4 3 2
10 7 5
9 3
Q J 4
W   E
9 7 5
K 9 6
A 8 2
A 10 8 6
K Q 10
A 8 3
K J 10 7
7 5 3
Pass 1 Pass 1NT1
Pass 3NT End  

1. Playing strong No Trump so rebid now showing 13/14 balanced

This hand is real touch and go and you have to take advantage of a non Club lead and a good layout in the Heart suit.

After winning the first trick withe the 10 immedialtely play a Diamond. The opponents take the third round of Diaminds and persisit with Spades which you win in dummy, While in the dummy take the Heart finesse (making sure you do not cash the winning dimaond atthis point as you need it as an entry later on the (hopefully) 13th Heart. Now play the Heart Jack and when East cover duck it thereby ensuring the safe hand wins and your club king in dummy is still safe as East in this situation is the safe hand and we do ot mind East getting the lead.

East gets off lead with a spade which you win.

Now play the Ace Hearts delighted to see the remining hearts breaking kindly 3:3 off lead with a spade You now go over to that precious Diamond Queen to cash the winningf 13th Heart.

You eventually made 3 Spades, 3 Hearts and 3 Diamonds unlike my partner who managed to go 3 down despite the friendly defence,

(Perhaps West might lead the Queen next time.)


  You can also play out the following hand  to see how the hand pans out. (You need bridgvu.exe programme  and it is available free from   http://www.haroldschogger.com/movies.html )                        

alternatively watch the film of the hand being played out by going to www.haroldschogger.com/movies2.htm

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