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Hand of the week

Hand of the week, week commencing, Sunday 5th May 2024

What do you lead? and then plan your play

If you would like to play this out click here

Dealer: South Vuln: N/S

K 6 2
10 8 6 2
K J 10 7 3
A Q J 9 4
5 4
10 3 2
A 9 6
W   E
10 8 7 5
A K J 9 7 3
Q 8
A K Q 9 8 7 6 4
5 4 2
1. Gambling 3NT promising solid Minor with no outside values

When somebody Opens 3NT he is promising solid Minor 7 or 8 card suit and no outside values.

So of you are lucky enough to have an Ace you should lead it and look at the dummy.

After winning the first trick, you can see the Spade king in dummy and now know there is no future in the suit and you know partner must have good hearts.

You need to switch to Hearts. Partner wins with the King with declarer dropping the Queen. East your partner now switches to a club as he knows you must have the Ace (NB Declarer's opening bid said he had nothing in Clubs. Partner wins with the Ace and switches back to Hearts and now East, your partner,  takes 5 more hearts tricks finessing dummy's remaining 1086. The defence has now taken 6 Hearts tricks and 2 Black Aces and declarer has gone 4 down.

When this hand was played against my partner incorrectly led the Queen and declarer hopelessly didn't try dummy's King. When the Jack was played next still she didn't try the King. We managed to defeat the contract but declarer had every chance to make 1 spade trick and 8 Diamonds.

  You can also play out the following hand  to see how the hand pans out. (You need bridgvu.exe programme  and it is available free from   http://www.haroldschogger.com/movies.html )                      

alternatively watch the film of the hand being played out by going to www.haroldschogger.com/movies2.htm

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