(Even if you do not want to do these courses please tell your friends about these new courses that are now available Thanks)



18 Highview Gardens Edgware Middx HA8 9UE

Phone 0208 905 3877

(established 1977  licensed by The EBU)

e-mail  haroldschogger@haroldschogger.com





  Beginners' Course in Edgware in September  2024 - afternoon only    

Seven Week Course


Monday 23rd September  2024

 1.30.- 3.30.pm afternoon course


 Seven Week Course

                          Course fee £110

                                               18 Highview Gardens Edgware Middlesex. HA8 9UE

                (NB Course  will end on Monday 28th September 2024)

This course is designed for absolute beginners who may have never played cards before, and for players whose knowledge may be a little precarious.

Each lesson is divided into two parts - a lecture of about three quarters of an hour followed by playing  of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.


The following is a resume of the subjects covered each week of the course:








7 week beginners course

This course is designed for absolute beginners who may have never played cards before, and for players whose knowledge may be a little precarious.
Each lesson is divided into two parts - a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.    

The following is a resume of the subjects covered in this course:

Week   1: The Absolute Basics & Mechanics of the Game, Hand Assessment

Week   2: The Opening Bid of One of a Suit

Week   3: The Opening Bid of One and Two No Trumps, The Finesse, Scoring

Week   4: Limit Responses in the same suit, Limit Responses in No-Trump

Week   5:  Responses in a New Suit, Suit establishment, Entries, Rubber Scoring

Wee    Week   6: Overcalls (Simple and jump overcalls), Opening leads, 

Wee    Week   7: Double, The Redouble,  Blackwood Convention  




please detach and return



.........................................................Tel. No.......................email..............................

I/We wish to attend the beginners course starting

   Monday 16th September  2024  afternoon....................

 and and enclose a deposit of £25 per person

Please detach this form and return it to Mr. H.J. Schogger,

18 Highview Gardens Edgware Middx HA8 9UE




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