Updated 19th January 2025 |
For further details click here
Let's Make North
London/Hertfordshire's FIRST Cafe bridge Charity event the
biggest event North of the River
Councillor Brian Salinger, The Worshipful The Mayor of Barnet this year, is supporting Homeless Action Barnet. Come and play Bridge to support his chosen charity.
Harold Schogger together with Anne Astaire and Ruth Rabin present a Bridge Charity event to celebrate 40 years bridge teaching and semi-retirement from 2018 Please join us at 2.15pm on Sunday 3rd December at St Johns Wood Synagogue for an afternoon of tea and bridge with your friends in aid of Zichron Menachem. You will be able to choose to either play in our duplicate competition or make up a table for friendly rubber bridge. The cost will be £40 to play, and includes a fabulous tea with bagels and cakes.
Zichron Menachem is an amazing Israeli organization for the support of children with cancer and their families. They provide care and counselling, medical therapy camps, medical assistance, custom made wigs for a child with cancer and much more supporting children and their families all day every day. Details and booking form to follow soon
Harold Schogger 0208 905 3877 |
On Sunday 9th April I am doing my 2500 metre swimathon swim for Marie Curie for the 27th year in a row and if you would like to sponsor me then please go to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/swimathon-2017-haroldschogger77
Uri Card Lunch
Wednesday 1st February 2017
We are delighted to attach an Entry Form for our Beit
Uri Card Lunch which
will take place on Wednesday
February 1st, 2017.
There will be Duplicate or Rubber Bridge and, this
year, we will also be having a Kalooki Room.
Please do support the event as you will be helping
us to raise money for the building of an Assisted
Living Unit at Beit Uri in Afula. In addition, a
small percentage will go to an Early Childhood
Centre in Yerucham, Southern Israel.
Please click on the link below to enter:
Places will be limited so entry as soon as possible
to avoid disappointment. We look forward to seeing
There is a limit to numbers please let me know if you are interested.
10.45 FOR 11 AM UNTIL 3.30 PM
£25.00 IN AID OF KEF which is
if you are interested contact Michelle Cowen by email- michellelouise@gmail.com
I am doing my annual Swimathon 5000 metre swim
for Sports Relief so anybody who would like to sponsor me,
can go to http://my.sportrelief.com/sponsor/haroldschogger
Charity Bridge Event at Finchley Synagogue
An Afternoon of
Bridge and Tea
SUNDAY 14th September 2014
2.15 5.30
St johns wood synagogue
Grove end road
London nw8 9NG
Name: ..
Addresss: .
Tel. no: e mail:
· I wish to purchase: . place/s at £35 per person for Duplicate bridge
· My duplicate partner will be ...
· I wish to purchase ....places at £35 per person for Rubber bridge
· My rubber partner/table of 4 will be ..
· I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation of £
· I enclose a cheque for £ . made payable to World Jewish Relief (reg. charity no. 290767)
· Please debit my Visa/Mastercard .. exp.date: .. CVC no: ..
£ I would like WJR to claim Gift Aid on my donation
Signed: . Date
Please return your completed form to either:
Ruth Rabin or Anne Astaire
34 Thirleby Road 6 Bigwood Court
Mill Hill Bigwood Road
London NW7 1BQ London NW11 6SS
07958 647286 07710 760912
Bridge in the Chapel
at Shenley
in aid of |
A Duplicate Tournament on Sunday, October 12th 2014 7.00 pm for prompt start at 7.15
Tournament Director: Harold Schogger with Paul Wilson
Tickets Available NOW! |
Middlesex County Bridge Association No Fear Duplicateto be held at the Pinner Bridge Club103 Marsh Road Pinner HA5 5PA (020 8866 3166) Sunday March 24th 20132.00pm (prompt) 5.15pm (approx)
The afternoons bridge is designed to provide an opportunity for players who have learned bridge recently to meet others with a similar level of experience and to give everyone a taste of duplicate bridge in a relaxed atmosphere. It is aimed at people who started lessons within the last few years and who have fewer than 1000 Masterpoints (or similar experience level). It will feature:
¨ play at a relatively relaxed pace about 10 minutes per board
¨ hand records with bidding and play commentary
¨ a break for mid-afternoon refreshments and a chance to chat to others
¨ trophies for the best performances
¨ EBU Masterpoints (district level) will be awarded
¨ a guaranteed friendly atmosphere and a good time for all!
¨ £3 per person (pay on the day)
Pre-entry is not required, but is helpful so we have an idea of numbers. If you wish to play, and do not have a partner, please contact Tony Stawin advance, and we will find a suitable partner for you. You do not need to be a member of the English Bridge Union or Pinner Bridge Club.
Please return this form to: Tony Staw, 8 Burlington Close, PINNER, HA5 2TP or email tonystaw@blueyonder.co.uk or call 020 8868 7205